Why Catalog Printing Still Rocks In a Digital Driven World

In a Digital-First world there are several businesses that have completely moved away from printed marketing material. Catalogs which were once the most important marketing tool are more often ignored these days. There are some who have been busy writing obituary of catalog printing services. The fact is printing service providers haven’t lost their business but are constantly growing as businesses that are smart enough to understand the merits of investing in printed campaign materials are benefitting from it. 

Catalogs are still holding on to their glory of being a rockstar marketing tool because of the several incentives they offer to your marketing campaign that can’t be matched by digital marketing mediums. Why do we say so? Here are some of the reasons why catalog printing still rocks in a digital driven world. 

Emotional Response – It has been well established that people tend to respond more emotionally to marketing material they can touch rather than those they only see. Customers slowly read through printed material as compared to a quick glance in case of digital content. They are likely to read through the finer points of your products and services and this increases the odds of converting it into a sale.


Shelf Life – What is the shelf life of a Facebook ad? One scroll, right. How long can you have a video on the top of people’s YouTube feed, few days, right? Catalogs are timeless. Once customers have it, they are likely to read it for days if they are interested in your product and this improves your conversion rate.

Targeting – Targeted marketing is overblown in the world of digital marketing. While you can drop an email into someone’s account or a post on their timeline, there isn’t any guarantee of an interaction. Whereas sending direct mail increase the chance of interaction. Even millennials love to find something printed arriving at their mailbox.  

Storytelling – There is no better way of introducing a new brand or product in the market than storytelling. Catalogs are the perfect medium for that as they allow you to discuss your products, its USPs and how it will solve the problems in the customers’ life like no other medium. 

To leverage all these and more you need to choose a reputable name in catalog printing services. They will bring in state-of-the-art technology to offer you the best quality catalogs that make a strong impression about your brand and products. 

Summary – In this write-up we discuss the importance of Marketing printing services and why they are still one of the most potent marketing tools. 


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